Liam Edition.
I want to remember how you laughed and laughed tonight trying to catch Brett each time he walked past you in your Bumbo seat. Seeing how you love your brothers makes my heart ache with happiness. I pray you always see how awesome they are.
I want to remember how my heart broke when you didn't want me to rock you to sleep tonight. I'm chalking it up to how tired you were from only taking one nap in the early afternoon. Especially since you turned down your bottle as well. Please stay my baby a little longer. Mama loves rocking you to sleep.
I want to remember how you are starting to throw little tantrums when you aren't doing exactly whatever it is you want to do. You throw your head back and let out a scream/cry of discontent. It's hard not to laugh at you but I do my best to keep my composure.
I want to remember how you love to eat your vegetables. Peas are your favorite but so are sweet potatoes, carrots, and green beans. You are completely uninterested in fruit right now. I like to think you are happy that puffs come in sweet potato flavor. Also, I love watching you crunch them and then open your mouth to let me know you're ready for another. Meal times in your high chair are some of my favorite times of the day. You are so chatty and happy when you eat.
I want to remember how you were 8.5 months old when you started sitting up on your own without immediately falling over. How yesterday you picked yourself up twice after falling over. Everyday you work hard to get from your belly to sitting position and although you haven't yet accomplished this feat, you are close.
I want to remember how attached to your binky you are. I have been trying to keep it away from you during the day once I noticed how quiet you've become. Although you still babble with it in your mouth, it's not the same as when it's gone. And oh, how I love to hear you babble.
I want to remember the fact that you have 8 teeth already. It's kind of hard to believe that you already have that many but you are adorable all the same.
8.5 months old
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